Beaded Double Dutch Skipping Ropes


88 in stock

The skip-hop Beaded Double Dutch Skipping Ropes are perfect for learning double dutch skipping as they are highly visible which aids the turners and the skippers. The beads also create a more audible click when they hit the floor which again helps with timing for turners and skippers alike. Beaded ropes are a pleasure to use as the extra weight and nature of the beads means they keep a very stable arc as they go through the air. Or beads are made of a softer material than used by other manufacturers so that whilst still being durable they don’t hurt as much if they come in contact with skippers feet. The Beaded Double Dutch Ropes also come into their own for display skipping with a heightened visual ‘wow!’

The skip-hop double dutch beaded ropes are suitable for all ability levels but skip-hop particularly recommends them for intermediate to advanced double dutch skippers or older children or adults.

  • 2 x 4.5 metre double dutch skipping ropes and learn how to double dutch.
  • Soft beads to reduce the ‘ouch’ of other beaded ropes when there is contact with skippers feet.
  • Tough and durable and higher visibility for both skippers,turners and spectators (display)
  • A tangible ‘CLICK’ as the ropes hit the floor enabling improved timing for both turners and skippers.
  • Fast turning but designed to hold a perfectly skippable shape – suitable to learn on but you can go all the way up to display level double dutch skipping with these great ropes.